Monday, May 2, 2016

Project Summary

3d Design Projects

Project One – Using line to create form. Wire sculpture (drawing in space)

Project Two – Planar Construction Characters (using corrugated cardboard create a wearable whimsical mask)

Project Three – Carved reduction portrait busts using photo reference and gridded measurements

Project Four – Relief tile and introduction to mold making. Clay both additive and reductive used to create the form and mold casts

Project Five – Large Scale Outdoor public environmental art

Reflect back on each of these projects and answer the following questions:
-      What did you learn?
-      What was your favorite part about working with this material?
-      What did you find most challenging?
-      How would you create a new sculpture using a method or process learned this semester?

Collaborative outdoor public sculpture

Planar constructed Mardi Gras character masks

Wire Sculptures (drawing 3dimensionally with line)