Thursday, May 5, 2011

Final Projects Spring 2011


Thanks for a great semester! I can say that overall everyone worked hard and pushed the limitations of their ideas and mediums as well as the interaction between the two. Thoughts on final projects:

Bre-Great idea and approach on a what a modernistic dwelling space could look like. The structure and attention to details was a strength to this project. It has a nice composition and the slender pole against the structure helps balance to overall piece. It might have been interesting to explore another material other than foam core to get more precise cuts....perhaps balsa wood.

Stephany- Interesting use of found objects which seems to be something that you are really starting to explore in your work. It is a really wacky sculpture. How would it look with water? Continue exploring your playfulness within your sculptures and mixed media art.

Allesandra- This project seems to be layered with meaning as was your previous found object sculpture. You have a nice sensibility for arranging these objects together to create deeper meaning based on the relationships between them. Continue pushing the shape or "house" which these objects exist. Explore scale further and if you havent seen the exhibit at the KMA The Thorne Rooms you should check them out.

Alli-nice use of exploring the boundaries of two d and three d. As your first attempt at this idea I would encourage you to continue to explore light, spacing, color and even the overall form that these layers of glass take on. Very nice work!

Elizabeth- (I did not have an opportunity to photograph your piece therefore it is not included in the galery)  Interesting. Wearable sculpture! This piece really seems to be almost taken directly out of the fantasy world in which you draw from. Well made. I would like to see more of this. What would the outfit that goes with this head piece look like?

Susan-Interesting sculpture. I like the incorporation of string with the paper. Well crafted however could have been a little more structurally sound. Think about scale and how changing that effects the work. Revisit this link that we looked at earlier in the semester:

Beth: Your repetitive use of the cylindrical film canister to create a structure was one of your strongest pieces this semester. I would encourage you to look at Sol Lewitt's work. Think about math and pattern. Is the film canister important as a reference or is it just about shape? I think the elimination of color and just black and white is also a strength to this work.

Have a great summer!

Tuesday, May 3, 2011

Art Installation

Using artists such as Gabriel Orozco, Andy Goldsworthy, Christo and Jeane Claude my class took a contemporary approach to making art. The criteria and restrictions that they had for this project are the following: must work collaboratively, could only use what they found on location, and had to finish the piece within 3 hours. This is what they came up with: