Thursday, January 13, 2011

Welcome to Art 103 Spring 2011 and Syllabus

Roane State Community College
Three Dimensional Design
ART 103

Spring Semester 2011
Instructor: Bryan Wilkerson     
Phone: 865-882-4649                                     
Course blog url:

Materials: We will use a wide range of materials this semester including wire, wire cutters, exacto knife, cutting matt, Bristol board, various papers and carboard, plaster and clay. and you will be given a required list prior to each assignment as to what you will need to complete the project.

Grades: 90 % percent of your grade will be based on your projects, tutorials, and test(criteria for evaluating the projects will be based on the time spent on the project and it’s originality).
10% of your grade will be based on class participation. 

A= great attendance, extraordinary effort, a real over the top        performance
B= great attendance, made an effort on all the projects
C= came to class, finished all the projects.
 D= did not turn in all the projects, missed or late portfolio
 F= did not complete projects, turn in portfolio, and

Attendance: Attendance is mandatory.  4 absences your grade drops a letter. 5 absences your grade drops another letter. 6absences automatic failure of the course.

Absences accrue from the first scheduled class meeting, and late arrivals and early departures are considered half absences. Additionally, written excuses, such as those from a doctor are unnecessary. All students have a number of absences they can use for such purposes.  If students must exceed the allotted number of absences, they will not fulfill the course obligations or adequately learn the material.

When students miss an excessive number of classes they are advised to withdraw from the class under the “Withdrawals and Honorable Dismissals” section as described in the RSCC catalog. However, students who receive financial aid should first check with the Financial Aid Office before withdrawing to ensure that such action does not jeopardize their aid or necessitate early repayment.

Important, since instructions start when class starts. Arriving late disrupts the class and disrupts me!! If you make a habit of being over 5 minutes late for class, your grade will suffer. You are responsible for finding-out from fellow classmates what you missed and making sure you keep- up with instructions and assignments.
Three Dimensional Design seeks to expand your understanding of design theory as it relates to the 3 dimensional world. We will explore concepts of sequence and series, relief, contour, structure, symmetry, positive and negative space, found object, additive and subtractive process.
We will examine the function of space, volume, mass, plane, and line. Sculptural issues will be explored through the solution of design problems. The main emphasis of this course is the development of critical thinking skills as they apply to three dimensional art forms and to help you gain a deeper understanding of visual art.
This is a working studio course
• Creative thinking
• Informed engagement of works of art
• Developing your vocabulary in art to be able to articulate visual ideas more fully.
• Articulating how the ideas in this course illuminate understanding of all three dimensional art including Sculpture, Ceramics, Installation Art and Architecture

Course Requirements:

-Attend class on time with required materials. Plan ahead to have enough supplies for the entire class period. Check your calendar in advance of class so that you will be prepared.
-You must work in class on the projects.
-Contribute to class discussions and critiques
-A sketchbook containing your ideas, drawings, research, questions etc.
-A typed one page gallery or museum report. Please choose something interesting to you.
-A presentation on a contemporary artist you are interested in (working with three dimensional forms/sculptures) will be required
-Completion of your projects on time, late work will be graded down accordingly.
-A final portfolio containing visual documentation of each projects and a written explanation of the processes and objectives you use on to complete the work. Please include your gallery report. The portfolio counts as your final and late work will not be accepted
-Work outside of class will be required to complete your projects on time.

There will be a critique for each finished project on the day the project is due. Do not be absent on a critique day. Your project will be graded down one full grade if you miss the critique. I cannot recreate the experience if you miss that day. Critiques are important to your development as an artist and much can be learned from fellow student and teacher responses. It is important to remember to be courteous in your comments. I expect constructive and honest feedback on the work itself.

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