Monday, May 2, 2016

Project Summary

3d Design Projects

Project One – Using line to create form. Wire sculpture (drawing in space)

Project Two – Planar Construction Characters (using corrugated cardboard create a wearable whimsical mask)

Project Three – Carved reduction portrait busts using photo reference and gridded measurements

Project Four – Relief tile and introduction to mold making. Clay both additive and reductive used to create the form and mold casts

Project Five – Large Scale Outdoor public environmental art

Reflect back on each of these projects and answer the following questions:
-      What did you learn?
-      What was your favorite part about working with this material?
-      What did you find most challenging?
-      How would you create a new sculpture using a method or process learned this semester?


  1. I learned how to make forms out of various objects.
    My favorite part was forming the cardboard and painting it.
    The wiring because it hurt the most.
    I would make it bust a move.

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  3. I learned that Three deminsional is not my thing. I sucked at every single one of these projects, but it's whatever because I learned what I am and am not good at. I liked the clay the best, because it was the easiest to manipulate because you can add or take away from this medium pretty easily. I hated the fact that the clay tablets were small. It would've been more fun to make something on larger scale so that you could go more into detail and really learn the way that the medium works.

  4. I learned a lot from these projects. Each of the materials were different and interesting. My favorite part of these projects was the wire sculpture.
    The most challenging one was the foam sculpting, it was difficult for me because once you mess up, you cannot add more foam to fix it.
    I would probably do a cardboard or a wire sculpture later on sometime, based on the experience that I have learned during this course.

  5. Project 1 - I learned how to use wire to form it into an elephant. My favorite part about working with this one was seeing the final project. The most challenging was getting the wire to bend the way I wanted it to.
    Project 2 - I learned how to use cardboard to make a huge mask. My favorite part was making the actual feathered mask and the hair that was on my mask. The most challenging part was finding a box that would work as the head for mine.
    Project 3 - I hated the foam. Hated it.
    Project 4 - The biggest thing I learned from this project is how to make a plaster mold. I like working with clay because if you mess up, it's never permanent.
    Project 5 - I learned that you can get something done a whole lot quicker when you have others helping you. I liked using the sticks because it was all a part of nature. The most challenging was taking it down, mostly because I couldn't spear throw the sticks into the woods because I was wearing my nice clothes that day.
    I would like to create a new sculpture using the wire. It was probably my favorite.

  6. project one- I learned next time to work with gloves. My favorite part is how well it all turned out. The most challenging was working without trying to hurt yourself. I would try and create all sorts of stuff.
    Project two- I learned to never work on it the night before its due. My favorite part was turning it in because that meant that i was done. The most challenging part was trying to cut out the shapes. I would work the best i could on the next one.
    Project three- I learned to never wok with material again. My favorite part of this project was being able to carve with my hands. The most challenging part was trying not to touch your face with the material on your hands and cleaning the material up. I would sculpt out the face first.
    Project four- I learned to always keep this material moist. my favorite part of this material was how easy it was to sculpt with. The most challenging part was trying to keep this material moist. First thing to do is to have a basic idea.
    Project five- I learned how to weave with sticks. My favorite part about working with this material was building the shape and how fast we got done. The most challenging thing was how to start the structure. I would first figure out to make the structure.

  7. Project 1:
    I learned that using line in 3D design was quite a bit harder than 2D, but i liked the project. I liked using wire in a way because you could bend it and create the forms out of line. I found it difficult to make the wire hold form when you didn’t bend it drastically.

    Project 2:
    I learned that cutting the cardboard straight is very important when you have to glue it together. I liked that i could decorate it with paint and other cardboard pieces because of the flat surface. The only thing i found challenging was cutting the cardboard and getting it to fit on my head right.

    Project 3:
    I learned that i hate using foam for carving. I honestly didn’t enjoy anything about this project. i feel like i would have enjoyed it more if i used a different foam. I found this whole project challenging. My head shrunk drastically.

    Project 4:
    I learned that using a mold makes things a lot faster. I have worked with tile before and even made tiles, but the mold made it so much faster. I really just love the flexibility with clay. You can add to it and take away from it. I didn’t find this project very challenging at all.

    Project 5:
    I learned that it isn’t bad working with a group that actually helps each other. I liked building with the sticks because it was so organic. I found it challenging to get the sticks to bend and stack without falling, but that didn’t happen a lot. It was a fairly easy project. I enjoyed it.

  8. Project One:
    1. How to form an object by using lines.
    2. My favorite part was the finished product and how well it turned out. It turned out better then I thought it would though it still made need work.
    3. The most challenging part was tightly bending the wire. If there was a kink it was hard to undo.
    4. I would use a more simple method with the form. I would try to make it more abstract.

    Project Two:
    1. How to form a giant mask from cardboard.
    2. I liked adding color to this head because I felt it added more life to the head itself.
    3. the most challenging part was making sure the edges and the seams were neatly put together.
    4. I would take more time top draw it out and make sure all the pieces are the right measurements.

    Project Three:
    1. How to create a life-like head out of foam.
    2. I liked how I could take away material to form an object.
    3. This whole project was very challenging for me. The material was not the best. I should of chose better foam. It may have helped it to look better in the end. I feel like the ending product was not the best it could have been. This was my least favorite project.
    4. I would definitely use different material. Insulation foam was not the best option. I would also plan out where I was going to cut better. I feel like I rushed on this one due to frustration.

    Project Four:
    1. How to form objects on a flat surface by using clay. This project focused mostly on building up the material.
    2. I liked how we casted a mold of the first tile. It made the project go by faster and gave us more time to work on changing the first tile.
    3. There wasn't anything really challenging on this project. The only thing I can think of was smoothing out the finishing product.
    4. I would take the time to perfect the first tile so it can same me time on the others and I feel the tiles would turn out better.

    Project Five:
    1. I learned how to collaborate with a team and put our heads together to form something bigger and unique.
    2. My favorite part was the outcome. I think it turned out great and we all worked together very well on it.
    3. The most challenging part was probably the beginning when we had to decide on what we were planning on doing in the first place.
    4. I feel we could use more elements beside stick to make the nest. I feel like it would have added a more unique twist on the outcome. But in the end, the end result was pretty impressive.

  9. Throughout this whole project, I learned how to work with various materials such as wire, cardboard and plaster, foam, clay, and a temporary installation project made out of the items we found in nature. My favorite part with working with wire was the time spent crafting the subject. The small details make a huge difference. Even though my wire project looks like poo, I still enjoyed working with the material. With the cardboard, my initial idea was to make a huge joker themed mask. I tried to make it as exaggerated and funny looking as possible. Later on, I added the plaster to smooth out the rough edges of the cardboard. For the next project, we used foam to carve a face out of. Initially I used a dense insulation board, but as the project progressed, the material I chose became a problem. It was difficult to cut and carve with any accuracy which led to my last minute change to use floral foam I had laying around the house. For the fourth project, we used clay to form a relief tile. In my opinion it kind of told a story because each tile was slightly different than before. I was a little disappointed in the way my turned out but overall I enjoyed the process of creating each one. Finally, as the semester came to an end we had to work on a group collaboration project in which we (the students) were in charge of everything including the planning, materials, and costs. Inspired by an artist we looked at, we chose to use materials in nature we found on campus. We gathered a huge amount of sticks and logs in order to create a nest in which people can come in and sit in and enjoy. Overall, the most challenging project we had this semester, in my opinion, would have to be the group project. The time schedule to start and finish it was pretty short and in the back of my mind I was worried we wouldn't finish on time. If I could do it all over again, I would retake the course and improve on the ways I had used the materials this semester.
